Temporary Importation - Carnet ATS

Presentation 14.12.2023
Packaging List Example

Please contact us if you have any questions or you need help

1.Step: Contact Chamber of Commerce of your city (this can be done anytime from now)
Needed Information:
- Time needed for receiving documents
- is a Deposit needed or an Insurance possible

2.Step: Prepare Packaging list (see example)
3.Step: Send Packaging list to Chamber of Commerce
4.Step: Receive & Fill out Documents For Help: Send us for correction until 1.7.
5.Step: Border Crossing

Basic requirements

  • The goods must be intended for reexportation. (No food or consuming material)
  • The goods can be identified. (Labeled)
  • The goods will be re-exported unaltered.
    Only goods maintenance measures during the temporary admission are permitted.
    (Repairing goods, which gets destroyed during this time is allowed)
  • You adhere to the bans, restrictions and conditions

Intended use

The intended use of goods decides whether the temporary admission procedure is permitted and which formalities must be completed.
In this case for the Formula Student Event it is 'exhibitions' (Because it’s more an engineering competition and not a racing Event).

Custom documents

ATA Carnet (usual way)

You should get the necessary document from the chamber of commerce in your country/town.
To get this document can differ from country to country, so please contact your chamber of commerce and ask how to get the document. Then ask your university for a surety bond, so you don’t need to make a cash deposit (which would be around 7.7% of the value).
More info here.

Then prepare a list of all material in your transportation vehicle.
Following informations are necessary:
  • Material Name (Labeled in the vehicle)
  • Weight
  • Value
That should get you the required document.
Present this document at the custom office at the border (possible only during opening hours).
So please check the opening hours of the custom office you want to use.
You need the document at the border both for export from your country and for import to Switzerland.
Beware, after the Event load all your transportation vehicle with the same material.
Then you have to export the material at the Swiss border and import it in your country

ATA Carnet example list Excel / PDF

Custom Declaration for temporary admission (ZAVV) (no ATA Carnet possible)

Infos here
For Teams from countries, where a Carnet ATA is not possible, have the possibility to come to Switzerland with a ZAVV.
This is an invitation letter from our side.
We can provide this for you.
We will need the same information, which are also necessary for the ATA Carnet .
That would be:
  • Material Name (Labeled in the vehicle or container)
  • Weight
  • Value
We can also make a cash deposit for you, if you provide the funds.
In case of full and punctual re-exportation of all goods, the deposit will be refunded.
This document is only for import and re-export of the material from Switzerland.
The export and re-import to your country, you need to organize yourself.
If you have any questions, please contact us as early as possible.

ATA Carnet example list Excel / PDF

Here you find complete terms for Importation.