Team List
Team name
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Bern University of Applied Sciences
University of Porto
FS FEUP is made up of a group of students from different branches of engineering. We are an extremely motivated group with unwavering determination to achieve our goals. The team will compete with its second-ever prototype, an EV and Driverless vehicle in the 2025 Season.
Universidad de Navarra
Politecnico di Torino
Universidade do Minho
Technical University of Valencia
Brno University of Technology
We are a Czech Formula Student team that has been competing since 2010. We had designed, manufactured, tested, and raced with 15 Dragons at 33 races and got 68 podiums. In this year, we are planning to project all the experience from 10 years of building combustion and 4 years of building electric vehicles to create our most powerful car: Dragon e5! This electric beast would also be carried by a huge innovation, which is an all-wheel-drive concept!
University of Cadiz
Kocaeli University
Kou Racing was founded in 2019. Kou Racing is the only and official electric formula student team of Kocaeli University. The team currently consists of 45 people.
Yıldız Technical University
YTU Racing is a student project established in 2011 at Yıldız Technical University. Today, it operates from its garage on the Beşiktaş campus, where it designs, develops, and tests electric, autonomous, and internal combustion engine race cars.
The team represents Turkey in Formula Student competitions held in various European countries such as Italy, the Czech Republic, Germany, and Hungary every year with the race cars it produces.
Having built 12 vehicles to date, the team plans to manufacture its 13th and 14th cars during the 2024-2025 season.
Cordoba Racing Team Spain
Universidad de Córdoba
Istanbul Technical University
Universität Duisburg- Essen
University of Birmingham
TU Braunschweig
Revolve NTNU Norway
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU Trondheim)
National Technical University of Athens
Lund University
University of Applied Sciences Kiel
UPBracing Team Deutschland
University of Paderborn
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
K J Somaiya College of Engineering
KA-RaceIng Germany
Einstein Motorsport ist das Ulmer Formula Student Team, welches 2006 gegründet wurde. Die Serie an Rennwägen mit Verbrennungsmotor wurde 2019 mit dem AL19 und der Platzierung 22 auf der Weltrangliste abgeschlossen. Seit dem arbeitet das Team an der Entwicklung eines elektrisch-autonomen Fahrzeugs.
Einstein Motorsport is the Formula Student team from Ulm, Germany, which was founded in 2006. The series of combustion racecars was completed in 2019 with the AL19 and the placement 22 on the world ranking list. Since then, the team has been working on the development of an electric-autonomous vehicle.
Institut Supérieur de l'Automobile et des Transports
We aim to drive our first ever electrical car.
Thereby, we would like to participate to the most famous and high-leveled competitions such as FSS.
Aurora FSE Team China
Shenzhen TU
ESTACA - West (Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile)
ESTACARS is a student automotive design project based at ESTACA on the Laval campus.
Founded in 2011, the project is integrated into the educational framework offered by the school. Its primary goal is to design and build an innovative and high-performance electric single-seater vehicle to compete in the Formula Student competition. This global student competition challenges teams to design their vehicles under strict regulatory guidelines.
The competition is divided into two categories:
- Static events: Evaluating engineering decisions and methodologies.
- Dynamic events: Assessing vehicle performance on the track.
The ESTACARS team consists of 33 engineering students from first to fifth years of study, divided into two technical divisions:
Mechanical Division : Focused on vehicle architecture and dynamics. Responsibilities include designing solutions for optimal track performance, as well as developing the chassis, cockpit, suspension, bodywork, and integrating these components into the vehicle.
Energy and Embedded Systems Division : Handles the powertrain and energy management systems. This division is also responsible for low-voltage electrical systems that ensure safety and functionality in a Formula Student car.
ESTACARS operates under the aegis of ESTACA (École Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile), a member of the ISAE Group. The school specializes in transport and mobility engineering, with campuses in Paris-Saclay, Bordeaux, and Laval. A distinctive feature of ESTACA is the emphasis on extracurricular projects and association involvement, providing students with a broad range of technical and practical skills.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
The TU Darmstadt Racing Team e.V. (DART) is a non-profit association and a student group at TU Darmstadt dedicated to promoting science, research, and education in the field of automotive engineering.
Currently, the association consists of around 45 active students from various disciplines, particularly mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, and industrial engineering. Additionally, the association benefits from a large alumni network that provides active members with guidance and support for current projects. Together, we share a passion for motorsport and engineering. By delving deeply into practical, study-relevant topics and working under realistic conditions, members not only pursue their interests but also actively prepare for their professional careers.
The team’s goal is to design, manufacture, commission, validate, and compete with a racing car in Formula Student competitions within a year. The challenge lies in competing against strong teams from Germany and abroad. In the past, the association has participated in numerous competitions, including in Hockenheim (Germany), Spielberg (Austria), Barcelona (Spain), Assen (Netherlands), and other smaller racetracks.
What makes us unique is our focus on addressing current issues and trends in the automotive industry. As early as 2011, the team developed its first fully electric race car and has continuously improved its technology and drivetrain since then. But that's not all: In 2017, the team also embraced autonomous driving and presented the myD2017, the first fully autonomous race car in the team’s history. Since 2020, with the xi2020, the team builds only one vehicle per season, which is both electrically powered and capable of completing a racetrack autonomously or with a driver.
In designing the race car, critical factors such as cost, time, quality, and innovation often intersect and create challenges. To effectively balance these elements and successfully realize the project, the team is divided into multiple departments and hierarchical levels. The marketing department operates within the non-technical area. The technical departments include Aerodynamics, Powertrain, Battery, Chassis, Electronics & IT, Suspension, Autonomous Systems, and Vehicle Dynamics. Each department is led by a department head.
Overall responsibility for the project lies with the project leadership, consisting of an organizational team leader and a technical team leader. Their responsibilities include managing the development process, project planning, project management, supporting department heads, coordinating departments, and representing the team in public.
The association is managed by the executive board, elected for a two-year term. The board's responsibilities include financial and legal administration and representation, as well as defining objectives and overseeing the association's long-term development.
TH Lübeck
TU Dresden
LiU Formula Student Sweden
Linköping University
UAS Hamburg
HAWKS Racing was founded in 2003 and participates in various Formula Student events since 2004.
This year we are designing and building our fourth high voltage electrical driven race car, the H20.
Currently, we are about 70 students from different specialties, working on the project in interdisciplinary groups.
We are looking forward to an awesome season and the upcoming FS-Events in 2025! #69 #HAWKSRacing #69HAWKS #HAWKSgoesDriverless #H20
UPC Barcelona
Team Starcraft e.V. Germany
TU Ilmenau
UniBo Motorsport Hybrid Italia
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
UAS Graz
T.U.C. Racing e.V. Germany
TU Chemnitz
The Interceptors India
Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Technology
Team The Interceptors is the official Formula Student team of Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune. Our team has actively participated in various national and international competitions, achieving remarkable success. We have won prestigious national events such as Formula Bharat and SAE Supra and have proudly secured the All India Rank 1 for two consecutive years, 2023 and 2024.
e-Tech Racing Spain
Axlr8r Formula Racing India
Indian Institute of Delhi
Yıldız Technical University
Hochschule Pforzheim
Formula Technion Israel
Founded in 2019, we succesfully finished our first car in 2023 (CV). The team is now on its way to EV and we're hoping to finish it for 2026.
IIT Bombay Racing India
Indian Institute of Technology
Democritus University of Thrace
ETH Zürich
University of Ghent
E-Motion Rennteam Aalen Germany
Hochschule Aalen - Technik und Wirtschaft
Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne
Ecurie Aix Formula Student Team RWTH Aachen e.V. Deutschland
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Rennteam Uni Stuttgart Germany
University of Stuttgart
HorsePowerHannover Germany
Leibniz Universität Hannover
UniNa Corse - Squadra Corse Federico II Italy
Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II
University of Iceland
University of West Attica
Università degli Studi di Udine
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
University of Trento
Running Snail Racing Team Germany
Ostbayrische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden
Milano PT
Université Paris Saclay
DHBW Mannheim
AGH Racing EV Poland
AGH University of Science and Technology
UAS RheinMain
University of Strathclyde Motorsport United Kingdom
University of Strathclyde
University of Applied Sciences Hof
OWL Racing-Team Germany
Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe
UAS Hannover
TGU Racing Türkiye
Turkish-German University
Technische Universität Dortmund
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa
T.U.Iasi Racing Romania
Gheorghe Asachi Technical Unersity of Iasi
Universität der Bundeswehr München
ECAM Lasalle
EFST is a club founded in 2022, now comprising around 60 members divided into 6 technical divisions and 3 administrative divisions.
Each year, the team is renewed and seeks new talent within the school. This year, new members are guided by about ten experienced members who are responsible for passing on their knowledge and sharing the expertise they have accumulated over previous years.
Hochschule Esslingen
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen
VIT Vellore
Team Ojas Racing is the only Formula Electric team of VIT University.
Established in 2012 by building a hybrid vehicle, we have now shunned the engine and forayed into making completely electric cars.
Ural State University of Railway Transport
Nexus UA Motorsports Portugal
Univerity of Aveiro
ULL Dynamics Spain
University of La Laguna
Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Metz
The Eni Metz Racing Team (EMRT) is the Formula Student team of the École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Metz (ENIM). Founded in 2009, this association brings together around twenty engineering students passionate about automotive innovation. Each year, the team designs, manufactures, and develops a prototype electric race car to compete in international Formula Student competitions. The project highlights values such as teamwork, technical excellence, and Made in Moselle, by collaborating with local partners and integrating cutting-edge technologies. More than just a technical challenge, the EMRT represents a unique human and professional adventure for its members.
FH Aachen
UAS Ruhr West
Centrale Lyon
Formula Student Vitoria Spain
UPV/EHU University of the Basque Country
Uniovi eTech Racing Spain
University of Oviedo
Chalmers Formula Student Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology
Univeristy of Belgrade
Team Road Arrow, the first Serbian Formula Student team brings together a group of aspiring students from the University of Belgrade who is working on the creation of a eleventh competition vehicle, with which, as in the past fourteen years, it will represent its University as well as the Republic of Serbia in one of the world’s most prestigious engineering competitions -Formula Student.
Aarhus University
From Classroom to Racetrack
This is not like a normal university project. We control the pace! And we promise it does not end with a boring PowerPoint of things that should be changed to make the machine better. We make the changes and then get back to testing so we can make the best competitive race car.
University of Seville
We are ARUS Andalucia Racing Team, from the University of Seville. Started back in 2012 as the first team on the south of Spain, we have been participating since 2014. eight combustion and six electric cars manufactured.
This our second year as DV and are making a great leap in technology, changing to monocoque and 4WD.
Never give up and always cheer our car in the best and the worst moments are the values that describe this team as one of the best family in Formula Student. And if you don't believe it just listen to us in when the ART goes to the track!!
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ESEIAAT-Terrassa)
Gdańsk University of Technology
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Bengawan Formula Student Team UNS
is a student-level formula racing car research and manufacturing team from Indonesia. The team participates in Formula SAE competitions, where they design, build and race student-level formula-style racing cars. Their goal is to innovate in the field of automotive engineering and apply theoretical knowledge to practical challenges. By focusing on areas such as aerodynamics, materials science, and mechanical engineering, Bengawan FSAE UNS aims to excel in international competitions and contribute to the advancement of engineering education. The team is committed to fostering a spirit of collaboration, creativity, and technical excellence among its members.
UAS Kempten
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
University of Thessaly
Centaurus Racing Team was founded in 2009 from 6 students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of University of Thessaly. Since then the team has designed and manufactured 10 race cars, with its last PYRIUS R, being the end result of all this experience .Hacing collected a numerous amount of trophies ,now the team focuses on its 1st EV.Main objective behind the team's design procedure is to minimize the divergence between simulation-reality and to eliminate the need of trail & error during construction. General team goal is to try and lower the cost of non critical components in order to invest the money/sponsorships in parts that can guarantee better track time.
ART TU Cluj-Napoca Romania
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Formula Student Bizkaia Spain
University of the basque country (UPV/EHU)
UAS Düsseldorf
Hochschule Karlsruhe
Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Università degli Studi di Padova
Graz University of Technology
E-Team Squadra Corse Italia
Università di Pisa
UVic - UCC
Dynamics UPC Manresa España
Black Forest Formula Germany
UAS Offenburg
Loughborough University
Os.Car Racing Team Österreich
UAS Vienna
Aix Marseille university
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Middle East Technical University
Formula Student Team of Middle East Technical University
Polytechnic institute of Leiria
Aristotle University Racing Team Electric & Driverless Greece
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
NTHU Racing Taiwan
National Tsinghua University,
Hochschule Fulda
Universitat Jaume I
Kaiserslautern Racing Team Germany
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
Neumann Formua Student Team Hungary
John von Neumann University
Universidade NOVA de LIsboa
Aristotle Racing Team Greece
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
UAS Dortmund
As part of the UAS Dortmund, the Formula Student Team is a group of dedicated students who are committed to the challenge of developing and building a racing vehicle. Our mission is to explore and apply innovative technologies and concepts in motorsports while improving our skills in engineering, project management, and teamwork.
Formula Student Oulu Finland
University of Oulu
UAS Landshut
PRz Racing Polska
Rzeszów Technical University
Universidade NOVA de LIsboa
Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt
University of Western Macedonia
Dokuz Eylul University
DEU Formula Racing team (DFR) was founded in 2019 and became first ever Formula Student team of it's geographical region and Dokuz Eylül University. DFR made it's first competition in 2023 (FSRo 2023) on CV class. Our goal is to manufacture EV and driverless EV cars in 2025 and 2026 seasons, respectively. WE CRATE THE AESTHETIC STATE OF SPEED!
Warsaw University of Technology
Electric Racing Miskolc Hungary
University of Miskolc